ONI Token

  • Ticker: ONI

  • Contract Address: 0x6c77bb19c69d66bea9e3cdaea108a76ea8d2fd2a

  • Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)

In short

ONI is the out of space token that powers the ONI.exchange ecosystem.

Earn ONI from Farms and Fuel Pools, win it in the lottery, or buy it on the exchange, then explore its use cases:

  • Stake it in Fuel Pools to earn free tokens

  • Use it in Yield Farms to earn more ONI

  • Buy Lottery tickets in the ONI.exchange Lottery

  • Create your ONI Profile and mint NFTs

  • Vote on proposals relating to the ONI.exchange ecosystem (will be added after launch)

There is a lot more features coming in the following months, and we're very excited that we can provide such exchange for you.

Last updated

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